MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided professional structural engineering services for the Tallman Island Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Flood Resiliency Project located in Queens, New York.
MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided professional structural engineering services for the Tallman Island Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Flood Resiliency Project located in Queens, New York.
The proposed construction included general improvements, plumbing improvements, and electrical improvements to the facility as part of the flood resiliency program. The general work included replacing doors with floor doors and the installation of metal stairs and platforms, flexible membrane covers, windows above the Design Flood Elevation (DFE), stop log barriers, and flood protection walls.
MFS’ structural team worked in conjunction with the steel fabricator Empire Construction to analyze various structures including the stainless steel staircase, the east and west stainless steel staircases, and the galvanized steel elevated walkway at the north sludge thickener building. MFS reviewed structural adequacy of framing/connections of the various structures and all framing components including stringers, columns, connections, treads, grating, railings, column base plates and anchor bolts.
MFS provided a final calculation report supporting the analysis for the various structures and reviewed the steel shop drawings for Owner’s review and approval for construction.