The horizontal control was established in the field by GNSS RTK observations of (2) two primary control points. Additional Control Points were set and located by conventional traversing procedures. The horizontal control was tied to the appropriate State Plane Coordinate System NAD83, US Survey Feet. The Vertical datum was tied to NAVD88 either by a level run from known NGS Vertical benchmarks or GNSS RTK observations. MFS located Borough Monument Lines and Borough Benchmarks.
MFS performed a topographic field survey to locate the above ground physical features, such as, buildings, top and bottom of curbs, edge of pavement, drives, striping, sidewalks, fences, walls, utility/light poles, signs, street trees, tree lines and sidewalk joints. First floor/garage floor elevations were determined at doorways. Cross sections of paved surfaces were surveyed at a minimum of 10’ intervals and at low/high points. Spot elevations were obtained at a spacing sufficient to develop contours at an interval of one foot. Utility hardware including manholes, inlets, valves were located. The plans were prepared in accordance with Appendix C, requirements for preparing a topographic survey, of the New York City DOT, Instructions for Filing Plans & Guidelines for the Design of Sidewalk, Curbs, Roadways and other infrastructure components.
MFS delivered signed and sealed drawings in pdf format and provide an AutoCAD file of the final survey.